Thursday, 26 November 2009

T' Final cut

This is off Youtube so quality may not be bangin'.

Thoughts on Designs an ting

We have finished our magazine advert and Digipack cover and shizzle. We are really happy with both of our ancillary products. The black and pink text is a motif that we have used throughout and in our video. We also have the pink glasses on the front cover which have been worn a lot in the video and in the pictures in the digipack. The images used in the colages are all in the same locations of the video an ting, which is another motif. We are very pleased with all of the effects on the images and the 'iglu & hartly' text is sick.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

sick bruv, just finished da ting. Spaced out now on these shrooms but i's gonna hit up the DVD cover next week fam±

DigiPack cover

NB: When you double click on the top design of the cover the large image of both Josh's in front of the 'safe bloofs' has gone a bit wonky for some reason. It wasn't supposed to do it and looks a lot sicker in photoshop.

Magazine advert

I would be uploading the magazine advert right now, but I need to do something with a Jpg and i don't get it. But it is a really cool piece of work. well done josh and cy.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Digipack Idea

The idea for the design of our front cover is that the background will be black. It will feature an image of the pink glasses that are worn in our music video, to keep in with the motif. The titles will be in pink to keep with the motif of the title of our video. We have an idea for our title as 'Greatest Sh*ts'.
We are also going to have the back cover as a big full page collage of different images we have taken of the band. They are all fun and fit in the fun image of the video. The song titles will probably be in pink.

Blog Of the Week

We have just accepted our award for blog of the week. We would like to extend our thanks to everyone in the media department, particularly Ricky who inspires us and Quicktimed our video so well.
We dedicate the award to Geoff Reader 1955 (ish)- 2008.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Digipacks Research

"Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside. Since Digipaks were among the first alternatives to jewel cases to be used by major record companies, and because there is no other common name for Digipak-style packaging made by other companies, the term digipak or Digi-Pak is often used generically, even when the media holder is a hub or "Soft Spot" rather than a full plastic tray.

Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak (DVDigipak) is used as a premium package for DVDs and DVD sets. Because such packaging is less resistant to abrasion than jewel cases, it tends to show signs of wear relatively quickly. Licensed digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc replicator Oasis Disc Manufacturing recommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating, thus ensuring greater longevity". (Wikipedia definition)

We thought this digipack cover is pretty cool and we particularly enjoy the simplicity of the design. It makes it quite mysterious and as we have never heard of the artist we would love to know what the greatest cat power is.

The design on the right is different from the above as it is a soundtrack from our favourite TV programme ever. Again it is quite a simple design but it tells you exactly what it is and you can work out the genre of it even if you have never heard of it.

This is what an 8 page digipak looks like.

Uploading Video Update

It is taking long to upload our final video. We started uploading about 15 minutes ago and still no time of finishing soon. Bear with us and it will be done in it's own time.

Just to let you know we are on the shortlist for blog of the week.

Reaction To Peer review

We were a bit shocked when we received some of the feedback. Particularly the contradictory nature of it (ie. Lack of variety and consistently different?). We agreed with the lyrics relating to the song, such as the leaves falling part. We tried to get quite a bit relating to the song. We represented the genre quite well with our costumes etc. but the swearing was in the song and the spitting was not planned as Josh b just happened to walk past and cough as we were filming.
We were happy with the live performance and the crowd part, but were not sure what was meant by bringing it together at the end. But it does give it another aspect. We are not sure that people will be offended by the swearing and it was in the song already. The reference to ganja was very minimal as there is a small symbol on Josh B's medallion at the start of the video.
Overall we are happy with our video but the second part of it would have been better if we had had time to add effects to it. It was all a bit rushed on the last day.
Thanks to Ricky for Quicktiming after the lesson.

Peer Goodwin Analysis

- Its consistently different which relates to the song
- The lyrics often relate to the visual representations of the song, for example, the leaf shot
- The stereotypes of that genre are well represented; hoodies, trainers, shades, spitting, swearing
- There is good live performance but it could be brought together a bit better towards the end
- There is a notion of voyeurism; the sunglasses
- The live performance gives another aspect
- The lack of variety makes the audience lose interest; doesn't change pace
- People may be offended by swearing, spitting and ganja references
- There are no inter-textual references

Monday, 16 November 2009

Monday, november 16th 2009

This is it. The editing deadline, the day when our dreams come true. josh is running late on train (surprise surprise) and Cy is too cool to arrive on time. Me and Josh I are editing the last 2 minutes, it will be tight for time. Apparently quick timing has to be done before end of lesson. oh dear.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Why is rendering taking so long and why do we have to do it so often?

Another update because i can

We just finished capturing at last!

Editing and that.

As we speak at this very minute in time, we are editing the footage into a masterpiece. We are using a media converter to edit some crowd footage on youtube, so it looks like there was a big crowd for our gig. the crowd wasn't that big you see. this is going to give us the edge. we are waiting for our footage to be uploaded because we filmed so much stuff. Blimey I didn't realize we did so much filming. Great, we just downloaded our crowd scene! It will also be quite funny in an ironic way, I'm told. We have got quite a lot of work to do and we really need to work our socks off to get it done on time. I think that our group should be given a one lesson extension because we had one wasted lesson that was nothing to do with us.

Blog warning

Just to warn everyone that I'm writing a blog. It will be done soon

Monday, 9 November 2009

Filimng Update 9/11/09

We have been out to film the last of the footage that we need for our vid. We also went to film at CVC on Thursday and got some good footage, but Josh b wasn't there so we had to make do without him. Cy was rocking the keyboard like a bitch though! We are capturing the footage as we speak and will edit it on Final cut next lesson. It should be pretty sick when it's done.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Evaluating Feedback

Today we showed our very rough Roughcut to the other groups in our class. A lot of our feedback was very constructive and we know what to improve on when we start filming again. We have been told we need more close ups of performance, which we will have when we go back to Comberton Village College to perform on the stage, and get close ups of singing and playing the keyboard and guitar. We will also get more close ups of lip-syncing in different locations.
We were also told some of the shots are quite 'daft' but we will not change these as it adds to the comedy effect and keeps the viewer interested and entertained, as do the hats and slick shades we wear!

Tanya feedback

1. Some shots are quite long e.g. initial shots are of Josh. Well framed but needs more close ups of performers. Some shots rather daft.

2. Appropriate use of cuts back and forth to different locations. You could cut through the lines.

3. Mise-en-scene of urban environment fits well. Could do with more graffiti etc.

4. Costume and props all appropriate to the genre, as is the setting.

5. More close ups of performance. More graffitit (or other) more abstract images to use in edit.

Peer Comments


  • Lots of different camera angles and shots keep it interesting
  • Camera can be seen in glasses at start

  • Matched up lip synching well but need more (this is not our fault as we didn't get much)
  • Good effects- some don't really fit though

  • Good costumes (hats, glasses etc), goes with genre
  • Good locations, could have more though
  • Josh B needs a shave
Genre Conventions

  • No narrative, bit random
  • Some shots not relevant to lyrics, no car either
What's Missing?

  • More lip synching
  • More thoughts that link to lyrics
  • Rest of video (not our fault as there was no tape in the camera when we went to film at CVC)
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