Thursday, 8 October 2009

Ed Lovelace

We had a talk from a former Long Road Pupil called Ed Lovelace. He went to Bournemouth University, where he made a friend called Daryl. During his time at Uni he had various projects to make certain videos, such as music videos.
The University required every pupil to get themselves a three month placement, in which Ed worked as a runner for a media company, making tea and cleaning up after other people. When he finished University he found work with a company called Pulse films, where he and Daryl created music videos for music bands. He started off very low budget, creating videos for £100, before moving on to bigger budgets of £40,000 for a group called "Cage The Elephant".
He is now working on a proJect called "Werewolves across America", in which a homeless folk singer travels across America and plays gigs in peoples homes and stays there the night. The feature film is a documentary which will be shown at the picture house in Cambridge next year.

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